Piercing Aftercare
Piercings should be kept clean and dry!
Cleaning steps using warm, running water:
- At the end of a shower routine use clean, warm, running water to irrigate your piercing thoroughly (about 30 sec.) to remove any soaps & soften build-up. Please avoid moving or rotating jewelry as it can cause more harm to the healing wound.
- Wash hands well prior to and after interacting with a fresh piercing.
- Dry & clean the piercing site well with a single-use disposable product like paper towels, gauze, or cotton swabs to gently remove any build-up.
Cleaning steps using a Sterile Saline Wound Wash
(0.9% Sodium Chloride & Water)
- Wash hands well prior to and after interacting with a fresh piercing.
- Gently spray the piercing site with the sterile saline wound wash to irrigate your piercing and soften any crusty debris. Please avoid moving or rotating jewelry as it can cause more harm to the healing wound.
- Dry & clean the piercing site well with a single-use disposable product like paper towels, gauze, or cotton swabs to gently remove any build-up.
What to expect after getting a new piercing?
Referenced from the Association of Professional Piercers (2023)
Hints and Tips
- During healing, do not twist, spin, or rotate your jewelry.
- Exercise and sweating during healing is fine. Avoid activities that could jostle or aggravate the piercing. Keep the piercing protected from bacteria present on gym equipment or exercise mats.
- Make sure your bedding is washed and changed regularly. Wear clean, comfortable clothing that protects your piercing while you are sleeping.
- Unless there is a problem with the size, style, or material of the initial jewelry, leave it in place for the entire healing process. For a downsize book an appointment.
- Non-metallic jewelry can be worn if your metal jewelry must be temporarily removed
- In the event an infection is suspected, discuss with your physician if you should leave quality jewelry or an appropriate substitute in place.
For Particular Areas
A hard, vented eye patch can be used to avoid excess irritation, physical trauma from activities like sports, or tight clothing. You can use non-adhesive elastic/ACE-type bandages or tights/stockings to secure it in place.
Ear/Ear Cartilage and Facial:
It is easy to avoid sleeping directly on an ear piercing using a travel pillow or a pillow designed to avoid ear pressure. Lay flat on your pillow/bed and use a clean t-shirt or pillowcase tucked into the center to keep a clean surface for your new piercing.
Hard surfaces like phones, headphones, eyeglasses, etc. can be cleaned with a disinfectant to prevent any spread of bacteria.
Ear “shower caps” can be used when getting your hair styled to prevent any excess product build-up and snagging of your new piercing.
Oral Piercings:
Due to increased blood flow, oral piercings tend to experience high-levels of swelling. It can help to elevate your torso while sleeping.
Follow standard oral hygiene.
Rinsing with a sterile saline wound wash can help reduce irritation and clean the piercing site — rinse after brushing.
Rinsing with clean water after eating can help irrigate debris leftover from eating.
Avoid alcoholic beverages. Beer contains yeast and can cause irritation to a healing piercing.
Be sure to follow up and downsize your piercing.
Wear what is comfortable for your body, avoid items that make your piercing sore or tender after wear. A snug cotton top or bralette may provide protection and feel comfortable, especially when sleeping.
Surface Anchors:
These piercings require care for the duration of their lifetime. Dead skin and sebum can build up underneath the threaded top causing the piercing to be irritated and possibly cause early migration. Saline and warm water rinses can help soften any build-up for ease of removal.
What NOT to do while healing your piercing!
If you wouldn’t rub it in your eye, don’t put it on your piercing.
- Avoid harsh chemicals and products like rubbing alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, soaps, iodine, oils, lotions, or ointments while healing.
- Avoid unnecessary movement and contact with your piercing.
- Avoid sleeping or applying pressure on your piercing. This includes being cautious of bedding/pillows, ear/headphones, stethoscopes, or anything else that presses against your piercings.
- If you’re doing something that hurts your piercing or makes it sore, find an alternative or contact for help!
- Avoid submerging your piercing in any body of water. Including but not limited to baths, hot tubs, lakes, oceans, rivers, lakes, or pools of any kind.